Recurring dreams

  1. My nightmares were most often announced by a wall with a door that was open. A shadow would come through the door from the other side of the wall and I knew that I had to wake up to avoid the nightmare. Sometimes I would dream that I had awakened when I had not and the nightmare would begin.
  2. I used to dream about walking on a railroad bridge which had no support between the cross ties and being fearful of falling through the gap. The bridge was similar to one outside of North, SC.
  3.  I used to dream I was driving from Florence to Columbia and became lost in a series of highway exchanges similar to Atlanta. The roads always are familiar in the dream but I could not describe them when awake.
  4.  I used to dream that I went to the ditch by the drive way in Cope where I would find the car that my cousin Johnny Young promised he would make for me in shop class if I let him have the wheels and axles off a toy truck of mine. I turned them over and he never delivered.
  5.  I used to dream of watching a plane pass by and crash.
  6.  For many years I dreamed of collecting from customers on my newspaper route.
  7.  For many years I dreamed of suddenly recalling that I was enrolled in a class that I had never attended and now had to take an exam for. More recently this has changed to my entering a room and having to teach a class that I know nothing about.


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