- Cumberland 1966-68
- William Haney
- Started publication that became Cumberland Law Review in time
- I wrote article for it saying UCC stood for Universal Communist Conspiracy and it was taken as a serious commentary by a Cuban refugee law student
- Later taught at Pepperdine Law School
- Died in 2001
- Had photo recall and typed his exams with verbatim excerpts and a table of cases cited. Like a machine. People vowed never to type exam in same room with him again
- Dean Weeks
- Known as Circle Bird based on his never really coming down on one side or the other
- Commander Hughes
- Retired Navy. Had two sons in law school
- Large Florida contingent
- “As we say in the Keys, he caught you drifting.”
- Herman Cobb
- Constructive pass in Income Tax. When called on to recite a case he first said “Here.” Then he said “You want me to give a case?” “You want me to give the case of v ?” “Pass”
- Sarah Maddox
- During the Corporations exam, a male student read a particularly obtuse question and muttered that the professor was a sorry SOB
- Sarah chimed in with “He sure is.” She did not want to say the words but readily agreed.
- Shadow Carter
- So called because he always followed the teacher into and out of the classroom.
- Mrs. Rogers, landlord
- I lived in a room in her house. Two pharmacy students lived in her basement. One was Danny Williamson and the other was Wayne Coefield. Coefield was later the owner of a pharmacy on Whitesbury near Huntsivile Hospital. He died in 2006 or so.
- Was reading Robert Ruark’s “Poor No More” one day when Mrs. Rogers saw the book and commented noting that t was reading “Bobby’s book.” Ruark had been the paperboy who delivered the paper to her and her husband in Wilmington, NC. She asked if I had come to the seen where a man chases a prowler through the neighborhood. When I told her I had, she informed me that this was a real event and that her husband had been the one doing the chasing in the real life event.