Alabama Law School


  1.  Bad Sam Beattie
    1. Are you prepared Mr. Andrews?
    2. Clem Sugarman whistling “Mickey Mouse”in the hall
    3. In my opinion
  2. Clint McGee
    1. Criminal law teacher
    2. All recitations of cases Involving rape were given to the few females in the class
    3.  Also liked to have the son of a judge (Elbert Parsons) recite his father’s cases that were reversed.
  3. John C. Payne
    1. Torts teacher
    2. Had been law school classmate of Uncle Ted
  4.  M. Leigh Harrison
    1. Contracts
    2. Very decent man. Manners much like character on Paper Chase.
  5. Miss Cool of the Law School
    1. So named by Howard Andrews
    2. One the 5 or less women students
    3. Said to have gone out with Joe Namath
  6. Bear Bryant
    1. Bear walked by the law school every morning at the same time on his way to some drug store food counter
    2. Frequently had a favored player with him (Ray Ogden was one I recall).
    3. Assistant coaches walked about a half step behind him, in deference,
  7.  Friedman Hall
    1. Roommate was Dallas Fanning
    2. From Plevna a small town near Huntsville known to residents as Poor Dog
    3. A thug dangled ?? Kidder from a second story window holding him by his ankles. That same thug was coming down the hall one night heading toward our room, kicking through the door panels to each room in turn. I got a dumb bell out and waited for him so I could break his shin or foot if he kicked through ours but he tired of the game before reaching the room.


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