- There and back on the train
- Mission formatio. From Blockhouse Signal Mtn, go left/right so many mils then down from the horizon so many mils to a colored car body, That is your target. Troops in the open/dug in. Your mission LT x.
- 24 Fire Mission Over
- 24 Send your mission over
- Cordinates xxxxxx, troops in the open, request fuse VT, over
- FDC (Fire Direction Center) would repeat cordinates and tell you the fuse given over
- Check, over – (if correct) or Hold, over – if wrong
- On the way over, On the way, wait
- Antelope killed by air bursts when grazed up too close to impact area
- Block House Signal Mountain
- Major landmark on the East Range (The Washboard), one of the few landmarks. Known to all field artillery soldiers.
- East Range (the washboard) and the West Range
- Buzzards hit by air bursts set explode 1 /10th second later each round in order to describe arc of trajectory
- Little John Rocket
- Failed to fire
- Had been all about what LT … was doing. Suddenly it was a warrant officer who had to deal with the misfire.
- Time on target
- Heard rounds rattling off one another on the way over our heads
- Had self propelled 155 mm roll into position, fire a round using indirect fire, then crank gun down and fire directly at the same target with both rounds hitting at same time.
- A few rounds of 8″ howitzers were fired. Said to be very accurate
- Early computerized fire direction center
- Was an analog computer which flew the round to the target
- Firing tables
- Gave you the elevation and deflection to use
- Told you how many bags of powder to use
- Compensated for the rotation of the earth and prevailing winds.
- Aiming Stakes
- Used by gunner to site the artillery piece
- Once locked on the stake, the elevation and deflection were entered.
- LT called fire in on our position
- Brought rounds in at 1000 yards from us to let us see a little bit of what it was like.
- Nose dripping on map board
- We sat on mountain tops to practice FO missions.
- My nose would run from the cold and wind covering up my map where I was trying to plot targets
- Wind chill -50 on one outdoor training exercise, finally called off
- Airborne
- While officially you had to volunteer for abn, all combat arms officer did go
- I took the physical test (running, etc) for it and passed with no preparation
- When I took the color blind test, the doctor was color blind, he claimed, so he asked an EM if I was giving the right answers. The EM said I did all correct, No way since I am red-green color blind. The doctor was running a scam since no doubt the book told him what each circle was to show.
- A few days later a message arrived from OTJAG saying Subject officer does not desire air born training. The fiction was preserved that all volunteered.
- Artillery Punch
- served at graduation ceremony. Tasted like fruit punch. Vodka in it or grain alcohol.
- Suddenly numbers of people staggered against the wall in an effort to remain standing.